At the forefront of innovative practices and products, we are always working on making our services more efficient and eco-friendly.

At Ebury Dry Cleaners we pride ourselves in using the greenest dry cleaning and laundry solutions. We aim to use products that effectively clean your garments and do not contain any toxic ingredients that will harm you or the environment.

To help achieve this we have recently introduced GreenEarth® technology. This is a cutting-edge dry cleaning process which uses liquid silicone, a safe and natural by-product of sand. GreenEarth® is 100% non-toxic and unlike other solvents GreenEarth® cleaning is much less abrasive. A plus for garment care, this solution is gentler and proven to protect against wear, shrinkage and colour fade. GreenEarth® cleaning is particularly suitable for treating cashmere, leather, suede and other costly items.

We work closely with the local council to dispose of all dry cleaning by-products in a responsible and environmentally friendly manner and we aim to always keep packaging to a minimum, reduce waste and use recyclable materials in our presentation methods.